"This is the movie of the screenplay of the book about a girl who meets a junkie...We can't be certain who the villians are 'cuz everyone's so pretty..."
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
To me, it seems pretty undeniable that the songs are strikingly similar. I hope Satch wins and I hope he takes a sh*t-ton of those wankers money!
I've had a personal vendetta against Coldplay ever since their last album was released. They've been compared to U2 ever since they arrived on the scene several years ago. They always downplayed these comparisons and/or "honorably" stated they could only hope to be as great a band as U2. However with this latest album, it became suddenly obvious that Coldplay really did wish they were U2. Or maybe it was that they wished we all thought they were U2.
First there was that iPod commercial which looked strangely similar to the U2 one from 2004. Then there were the new stage moves copied straight from U2's Live at Red Rocks performance, the outfits and decor alluding to the Vertigo tour (including the giant red graffiti "V" on the kick drum!), and of course, the songs with amazingly similar sounds to U2. "42" gets a particular nod with regards to the last of these. Homage to "40" or simply band with no more ideas of their own? This all culminated with their SNL appearance, in which they performed three songs, as opposed to the usual two allotted for musical acts. The only band to do this before Coldplay? You guessed it, U2 and not even until 2004's How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb was released.
Personally, I don't know how Bono & Co. can stand these pretentious (and not in the Bonoronic sense), wannabe jag-offs! Why are they not suing Coldplay, or at least giving them a stern talking-to? Maybe my Irish boys think audiences will know who has the real goods. Maybe they know Coldplay can't touch their millions. Or maybe they're laughing too hard to do anything. After all, these guys are so talentless and unoriginal that the band they are obviously trying so desperately to be isn't even the one suing them!
Guess John Lennon was right. Instant Karma really is gonna get you! Well, may you pay that piper dearly, Chris Martin. Dearly!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
What the Public Wants...
Anyway, the semester is almost over and I promise to be much better about adding new posts soon. But in the meantime, below are some fun things I've been doing and pondering the last several weeks. Enjoy!
What I'm Hearing...

They have one of the most incredible sexy-dirty-crunch (my own term) sounds I have ever heard. When I listen to their stuff, I can't tell if I want to make out with someone because it's hot or slap someone because I'm offended. But either way, I like it! Some will probably call this group alt-country, but as someone who doesn't always love everything in that genre, I would add that they are all the good stuff and very little of the yawn stuff.

What I'm Watching...
1. 30 Rock - Oh, my beloved Tina Fey! No one makes me laugh like you. It's so refreshing to laugh with my brain as well as my gut. So far the season is off to a HI-larious start. Jennifer Aniston stalking Alec Baldwin, Night Court reunion, Oprah Winfrey, and Princess Leia on jury duty! What more do I have to say? Oh and by the way, Fey also gets a tip of the hat for getting me through the election season. Of course, she had help from SNL, The Daily Show, and The Cobert Report.
2. Life - This is one of the most underrated shows on TV right now. It has been a victim of time-slot jockeying and poor promotion. It almost feels like NBC wants it to fail. But still, Damian Lewis and Sarah Shahi's perfect chemistry and offbeat humor continue to prevail. Sure, its a crime drama, but it's not exactly run of the mill. After all, where else does fruit help in the solving of crime?
3. House - This show makes my hypochondria surge into hyperdrive, but yet, I can't stop watching. Hugh Laurie's portrayal of caustic, yet strangely loveable, Gregory House is flawless. Plus, this season's tension between House and Cuddy is hot, yet sweet!
4. Life on Mars - This is my favorite new show of the season. I know this is a "reinvention" of a British series (which I haven't yet seen), but I'm still diggin' this version. Strangely, my attraction is not really for the storylines, which are often a bit weak. Instead, I'm loving the characters, especially Harvey Keitel's Lieutenant Hunt and Michael Imperioli's Detective Carling, and the beautifully shot and carefully crafted look of the series. This show recreates the 1970s so slickly, it makes you wish it really had been that way.
What I'm Learning...
1. The [insert cultural issue here] is over.
2. The gays are everywhere on TV now, and the lesbians are all over films.
3. It is totally acceptable to use derogatory terms, such as queers, a queer, colored people, and hermaphrodite (especially since all that stuff doesn't matter anymore - see #1).
4. "Many singers have died trying to do anorexia."
5. It is not necessary to actually read the syllabus, but rather imagine its contents.
6. No matter how explicit you state something, it makes absolutely no sense once a student reads it.
And, my all-time favorite lesson...
7. "The closet" is not a real closet.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Psst...Pass it On!
This one is on McCain's health. It's really scary, especially in light of his ever-so-precious VP candidate, who according to this will very likely be running the country!
This second one is on his contradicory stances regarding important issues. How this guy isn't being called a "flip-flopper" I'll never understand!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Well, Now I Know Why They Titled It That

Sunday, August 17, 2008
Doctor, Doctor...Can you Hear Me Calling...
Despite the best efforts of the Graduate College with its paperwork, The L Word with its spin-offs, and the ceremony with its inferno heat and heavy velvety gown...I have prevailed! Academia beware, there's a new sheriff (Read: tiny and lowly newbie on the academic ladder) in town!
You may address me accordingly.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Just when you thought it was safe...

Sunday, July 27, 2008
It's Not Just About Guitar Lust!

Refocusing my Efforts
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Another Sign of the Apocalypse

Friday, May 23, 2008
The Day's "Crack Me Up" Moment #2
Your life is crap.
The Day's "Crack Me Up" Moment #1
Well, that sounds like fighting the "war on terror."
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Vacation in Another Nation.

But I also experienced something else for the first time, in that I actually got a glimpse of what Red Sox Nation is all about. All weekend I kept having interactions (some very brief) with other individuals purely because I was visually a Red Sox fan (I wore my jersey and well-worn black Sox cap). And Sox fans were out in force in The Cities this weekend. In fact, I would estimate that there were almost an equal number of Sox and Twins fans in the Metrodome each night. This, of course, did not make the Twins fans happy, and they kept reminding us of it all weekend (booing our cheers of "Let's Go, Red Sox!," throwing Crisp's and Lowell's home run balls back on the field, taunting us anywhere they could find us, etc.).
But, this only seemed to make Red Sox Nation feel closer and more obligated to acknowledge each other in this hostile foreign "Twins Territory". For instance, there was the guy at the bus stop, who offered us help with navigating the public transit (he was wearing a Sox cap) and asked if we were in town for the games. Then there were all the other "visually Sox" fans at the games, who would either smile, nod, or even greet me as I passed them in the corridors. This happened at venues outside of the game as well, such as the mall, museums, and restaurants. Our hotel also appeared to be a common residence for many of the out-of-town fans, and we often would briefly greet each other in the hallways. And just to point out - I am not jumping to conclusions, this does NOT normally happen to me! People generally ignore (or are rude to) me.
It was a cool feeling to connect with others over our common interest, and of course, the academic in me was reminded of Henry Jenkins' theories on fandom and knowledge communities. In his most recent book, Convergence Culture, he talks about how popular culture fandom sometimes brings very different people together, who would otherwise have no reason to interact. He believes that if we could find other ways to do this over more serious social and political issues that we might harness a very powerful resource.
This weekend I more concretely visualized what Jenkins was talking about. Many of these people would never acknowledge me in my normal daily life, but suddenly in this moment, they found it important to not only greet me, but align themselves with me. Did it matter that I was a radical, lefty, queer academic? Nope - I was a Red Sox fan!
If only the rest of life was this simple...
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Uh Huh Her Live at ... The Planet?

Friday, April 25, 2008
Thanks! I needed that!
I just came home yesterday from my trip back to old BG. It was such a great time! I didn't actually realize how much I missed that place and all those people until I was back. And I just want to thank all of you who came out to say hi. It is really heartwarming to know I haven't been forgotten and that I am connected to such amazing people. I can't wait to come back in a few weeks for the defense. (BTW-my meeting with my chair went great and I will be distributing as planned).
One last thing, I noticed that an underlying theme of the evening was that many of us are facing scary times in the next few months (or years). Try to stay positive. The only thing that keeps me going some days is just blindly stumbling forward and refusing to even consider that I could fail. I really believe that somehow the Universe always takes care of those who deserve to be taken care of, and you are all remarkable people with incredible things to give this world! I wish you all the best - don't give up at what you want. It will not be an easy haul, but each battle we win, is one they lose. Okay, enough "sap" for now (at least I don't do this often, huh?)
Thanks for the awesome times-I'll see ya again in a few weeks!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Back to the Old Stompin' Ground.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
N'sync and Outta'Sync...Together at Last!

Oh yes, this IS a picture of two members of the famous (or BG infamous?) Outta'sync with the sorta well-known Lance Bass of N'sync! In other words, you are looking at "Lance Bass," Lance Bass, and "Justin Timberlake." I know you are all jealous!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
How Cool is This?!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008
What's Wrong with this Man? (aka: The Curse of Eric Gagne)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Mutha-F*%@kin' Drum Roll Please!
I finished the initial writing of my dissertation and am now officially in revisions!
Now, get me a drink!
The Genius of an Executive Transvestite
Monday, March 24, 2008
Metal, Metal Everywhere (just as it should be)!

Slayer-Seasons in the Abyss
Guns and Roses-Appetite for Destruction
Def Leppard-Hysteria
Motley Crue-Shout at the Devil
AC/DC-High Voltage (Bon Scott)/Back in Black (Brian Johnson)
Judas Priest-Sad Wings of Destiny (This is even one of Halford's faves)
Iron Maiden-Seventh Son of a Seventh Son (This may have been the toughest decision on the list.)
Anthrax-State of Euphoria
Black Sabbath-Paranoid/Ozzy Osbourne (solo)-Blizzard of Ozz
Dio-Holy Diver
Megadeth-Rust in Peace
Pantera-Vulgar Display of Power
Queensryche-Operation Mindcrime (The best concept album ever!)
Motorhead-Ace of Spades
Sunday, March 23, 2008
A Bat, A Clown, and ...A Cat?
Anyway, the article was mostly a discussion of the unfortunate loss of Heath Ledger and how the director (Chris Nolan) now feels a responsibility to the actor to present his role as he would've wanted. Apparently, Ledger was very proud of his performance; it should be awesome.
But, that still isn't my point...the article also mentioned that Christian Bale (who plays Batman) and Nolan are interested in doing a trilogy.
And my response? : WOO Frickin' HOO!!!
And my advice? : Catwoman! (of course!).
My partner and I thought about this today and tried to figure out who we would cast as Catwoman this time around. I argued that since the acting has been so awesome in these movies thus far, that it needs to be someone who has chops and isn't all star power. A couple names that came up were: Kate Beckinsdale, Drew Barrymore (I'm convinced there's more than romantic comedies in there), and Ellen Page (it could really expand her possibilities). But finally, I decided on my top choice. Drum roll please...
Drea de Matteo!

She has the right combination of acting abilities, slightly dangerous/psychotic, sex appeal, and intrigue. Not to mention, she sort of already has a bit of a feline nature. She also happens to be in one of my all time favorite films, Prey for Rock and Roll (check out the trailer below).
Anyway, I'm sure Nolan and the Hollywood Big Wigs won't listen to little ole' me, but well...they should - 'Cuz I'm the S-M-R-T, when it comes to Catwoman! Any other great actors you'd like to nominate for the role? I'd love to hear 'em!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008
Hee Hee Hee...Sports are Funny!
Now I know there might be a few Packer fans that read this thing, so just to show you that I'm a good sport I thought I'd post this one, as well. If you find other parody stories about my favorite teams - bring 'em on! I could use a good laugh.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
The Flu Sucks - My Swee' Rocks!
Anyway, I digress. What I really wanted this post to be about is how awesome my girl is. She took extra-special care of me yesterday. Not only did she cancel her office hours and stay home with me, but she also ran to the store, made me food (what little I could stomach), and did the other household stuff (tending to the kitties, doing the laundry, dishes, etc.). I am a lucky, lucky person.
She keeps saying that it's no big deal and doesn't know why I'm being so appreciative. But, I don't know how I would've made it through yesterday without her. Not to mention, I'm one of those people that just needs to be pampered big time when I'm sick. So anyway, she is 'da bomb and if you see or talk to her, you should tell her so! I hope you all have or find someone as awesome as her to clean your puke bucket! Cuz' that's love, dude!!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Dissertaion Update #6,785 (or at least I'm sure it feels that way for those of you who read this thing!)
I remember this time pretty vividly. I remember wishing she could find the strength to power-through, because I knew she'd feel so much better once it was done. But, I also remember knowing that I couldn't make that happen and I just didn't know how best to take care of and help her through those days. Finally, I remember thinking that I was pretty sure I understood what she must have been feeling.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha - oh silly me who was not writing and had not yet written a dissertation.
I am now to that point in my work. If I could just push through like 20 more pages - I'll be done! Yes, 20, 2-0, TWENTY! I used to write that in an evening when I was taking classes! But now it feels like when you were in high school and you were assigned your first 10 page paper, that was the entire semester's project, and felt like the scariest thing in the world. After all, who can actually write 10 pages about the same thing!
I have now written somewhere around 180 pages on the same topic. I do recognize that yes, I would feel better if I could just get it done. I also recognize that my partner is now doing her best to take care of and motivate me (especially when I got to suffer through my first panic attack the other day - woo hoo!). But, I am also finding it hard to locate that motivation. Everything...and I do mean EVERYTHING seems so much more interesting and fun than writing about the damn L Word, Internet, fandom, or whatever the frick else I'm inanely talking about.
So, I now also recall fondly how my good friend MG described this feeling to my girl during her cirisis time, in hopes of consoling and commiserating with her. She said that it's like you've been in this tunnel for months, it's a super long and dark tunnel, and you can finally- finally-see the light at the end. You're so close, but also so so tired. So, rather than run to the end, you'd rather lie on the florr of it and shout "C'mon! Dammit, Tunnel - Just f*%!kin' end already!!!" Hoping you might just be able to will it into happening.
I know it won't. ...Sadly...So, I guess I just best get back to writing.
So, to all my friends also currently writing - I'm right there with you and we CAN do it!
To all my friends who will take on this mess soon - good luck, you CAN do it!
And, to all my friends who have already completed this process - thanks for the advice, but you suck! (hee hee hee).
Love ya' all!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Here They Come...Woo Hoo!!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008
To the fans of 450...
We all know they're digging in the wrong place and where the white plastic tarp covers the real Nazi treasure!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Knight Rider for a Queer Generation??

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Excuse me Academy...I think you missed something.

Oh Fey can you See?

Saturday, February 9, 2008
I'm already sick FROM the election!
I recently saw this short film on the Sundance Channel and it really spoke to me right now. It is still so early in the whole election year Crap-A-Thon and I am already soooo nauseous. Just as with every other year, I'm expected to vote for a candidate that somehow compromises my beliefs, my politics, and my sense of self. A candidate who will say ANYTHING to get my vote and then never deliver! Why? Oh right - because they are better than the other alternative!
I was excited by the prospect of "the first woman" or "the first black" president for like 20 minutes and after a few days, I've realized they're playing the same damn game as every other runner. Not to mention the fact that I'm not sure we should be advertising the hell out of the fact that it's taken us this long to elect from either of these groups. Besides, why don't we talk about McCain as being the 100-something straight, white, rich, boring-ass-f**k, candidate?
Is Clinton really going to deliver us from a lack of adequate health care? -Doubt it.
Is Obama really going to end the war/occupation? -Unlikely.
Do either of them actually view me, a queer woman, as someone that deserving completely equal standing with the straight family down the street? -Um, no!
Do I still want them to win over somebody like McCain. Well, obviously! But when is that mentality going to finally not be enough? Maybe I'm still bitter from the last two elections. Sorry, if I've upset anyone with my grouchiness. But, here's to going down with the ship...cuz' nobody ever lets the people who really belong behind the wheel drive. How many more months? That Green Day song should be "Wake me when NOVEMBER ends."
Sometimes I'm Eight Years Old.
After all, isn't any story that starts with the line: "At the Warner Middle School in Farmington Hills Michigan this morning a fire broke out in a young boy's pants" worth checking out!
Hee Hee Hee...
Monday, January 28, 2008
So, I've been admonished for not updating my blog...
1. Visiting family. Yep, I spent almost 3 full weeks down in SC. It was fun and good to see them. It meant a lot to them that I could spend that kind of time there and since I don't know what my life will be like soon, I was glad to be able to do it, as well. Although, I did get pretty homesick by the end.
2. Working on the dissertation. Update - So, I'd say I'm a little more than half done. I would've liked to have been further than that by now, but hey what are ya gonna do, life intrudes. I've been pushing hard the last few weeks, though and I'm still pretty much on track.
3. Watching lots of TV. I caught up on some viewing that I had Tivoed...like Dexter Season 2. If you haven't seen this yet, I highly recommend it. Both seasons are incredible, but season 2 is really awesome!
4. Started watching The L Word's Fifth Season. Ah yes, I do love my research. Actually, I've decided that I can't feasibly include much on this season in the diss anymore, so I've basically been watching as a fan and it's been fun. This season so far is pretty cool; there has been lots of yelling at the screen and that's always good!
5. Working on the dissertation...did I mention that already?
6. Watching Award Shows. Oh, wait...that's what I haven't been doing, thanks to the ole' writers strike. Well, I did get to see the Screen Actors Guild Awards last night and it did not dissappoint; especially since they were celebrating their 75th year. Other than that, I have only three words about it...Tina 'F-ing' Fey!
7. Counting down the days until spring training. And related to this...counting down the days until the F*^%in' Football Season is over. Sorry to offend my football loving readers, but I really can't get into that sport. I actually think my deep distaste for it is even worse now that I'm back up in the deep Midwest where I learned to hate the damn game in the first place. But, before I get myself into trouble, I will shut up.
8. Dissertation writing...oh, you heard about that one already?
9. Shopping. I've always known that I have a shopping problem and nothing has changed in that regard. Although, I really just like to shop, I don't actually have to buy anything to make myself happy. So, is it still a problem then?
10. Wishing I was in Boston...Or, lived closer to Boston...Or, was moving to Boston...Or, had the money and time to visit Boston...Did I mention I love Boston?
11. Disliking my neighbor. Is it really necessary to play Guitar Hero loud enough that you can hear it two floors down on the other end of the building, or perhaps in the parking lot outside? I would like to kill the person that gave him that thing for Christmas!
12. Playing video games. Okay, so my neighbor makes me hate HIS games, but I love mine. I dug out the old N64 and PS1 and then found a pawnshop in town that sells lots of cheap games for them. I've been addicted to the Tony Hawk series. It's always funny to discover why people were really into stuff several years after the craze. It's almost like its your own little discovery then. TH2 is also really cool because it's loaded with music that was all popular when I worked at Hot Topic...ahhh, takes me back.
13. Explaining to my cats ...why they haven't been able to update their blogs for awhile either. They'd like me to tell you that they think their mom is just freakin' lazy!
14. Reading other people's blogs. Just cuz' I'm not on mine, doesn't mean I'm not on yours.
15. Oh, and there's some thing about a dissertation...
Miss you all...I'll try to be better about this darn thing!